join us Jan 12-17 for our Winter Detox! Sign up HERE

Meet Leslie
A certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach (HHC) and founder of Feeding Your Goals, I love sharing healthy recipes and lifestyle tips designed to help you feel better and live a more vibrant and energetic life. Our guided detoxes are delicious and sustainable, get real results with whole food ingredients, all without deprivation!
Here's what people are saying....
"Leslie's 5-Day detox exceeded my expectations. I drank more water than I have in a 5-day period, feel lighter and have more energy. I even learned that I enjoy cooking sometimes, which came as a complete shock to me and my husband!" - Jen, Sacramento, CA
"Before Leslie's detox, I was low carb/sugar but very undisciplined. This was the perfect kick in the pants I needed! But really not a kick 'cause I enjoyed it and it made me feel great! I have learned how to enjoy carbs again and have even saved money on grocery bills!" - Bob, San Francisco, CA